Children’s Ministry
Children are very important to us here at SMBC. We are here to partner with you in leading your child into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are committed to providing programs that help children understand that God loves them. Our Children’s Ministry programs are led by teachers that love Jesus and have a desire to share that love with kids.
Infants to 2 years of age are cared for in our nursery room.
Here loving adult volunteers hold, rock, feed, and play with these precious little ones.
Nursery is available from 9:20am -12:00pm
on Sunday mornings.
J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) and B.L.A.S.T. (Building Lives Around Solid Truth) are the children’s Sunday services held at “Base Camp” (the basement) during the Sunday Service, watch for the logos below on the church screen for kids to JAM and BLAST on Sunday!
AWANA & Cubbies
AWANA & Cubbies are our weekly children’s ministries
that take place on Wednesday evenings during the school year.
AWANA is available for children in Kindergarten – 6th grade.
Cubbies is available for children ages 3 – 5 years old.
Children learn Biblical truths through verse memorization and teaching.
Time also includes organized game time grouped by age.
AWANA happens from 6:25pm – 8:00pm during the school year.
All ages start the night off in the fellowship center.
Cubbies meets in the Fireside Wing.
Jr. Summer Camp
Jr. Summer Camp is available for children entering 4th grade through 6th grade. Summer camp is a week long time spent at Hartland Christian Camp where students have the opportunity to experience God through sound Biblical teaching and worship through music. Camp provides a wide range of fun activities, events, and organized recreation throughout the week.
Please check the events calendar or contact the Church Office for the upcoming dates, deadlines, and information.